Friday, June 6, 2014


"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face..."
1 Corinthians 13:12

A reflection in a pond isn't the real thing is it? When we look at what's real, we see the truth. Reflections are pretty, and the calmer the water is, the more clearly we can see the real thing in it. If you're looking to learn more about good things--like truth, wisdom and love-keep your heart and mind calm, and God will show you truth. Your life will become a beautiful reflection of Him!

Don't try so hard that you lose your peace.

Don't compare and compete with others, but be creative instead.

What seems like is better might not always good. 

What seems to be good might not always bring life.

Instead of trying to please someone, what about loving them?

When you've failed, it's not the end, you still have hope.

Instead of finding ways to always have fun, remember your clear conscious will keep you happy.

Instead of trying to force something to happen, have faith in God to make it go right.

Instead of making excuses, admit it when you've done wrong, and don't go that way again.

Instead of looking at what you don't have, look at what you do have and say thanks.

Instead of always asking God to do something for you, ask Him what you can do for Him.

When you think you can't, God says when you are with Him, you can.

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