Friday, May 23, 2014

Your Life Story

"...everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them,
may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock."
Matthew 7:24

Have you ever been in a really tall building? Did you walk up the stairs or take an elevator? The upstairs in a building is called the second story. Some buildings have more than one upstairs, so we say they have 3 stories or 4 stories. The Empire State Building in New York has 103 stories! There are taller buildings in the world but this was the first one to have more than 100 stories. Tall buildings like that are called skyscrapers.

Just like a tall building has one story on top of another, history is like that except it builds on the stories of people instead of bricks. Every person has a story. You have a story too. Your story is about where and when you were born, your family, and what you've done in your life. In order to build a tall building you have to have a strong foundation. You can't build on the sand because when the building is done it would be so heavy it would sink into the ground! Your life story needs a strong foundation too. The only foundation that is strong enough for your life is Jesus Christ! History is really His-story.

Jesus said whoever does what He says, is just like a wise person who builds his house, (or his story), on a rock. A rock is a strong foundation. Jesus is sometimes called the rock of our salvation because He is a strong foundation to build your life story on. Whenever you make choices, remember that you are building a story. Sometime you will tell your story. One day your children and grandchildren will hear your story. If you want your story to be a good one and a strong one that doesn't crumble, then make your choices be ones that Jesus would do!

Matthew 7:24-27

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