Monday, April 6, 2015

Can You Hear God's Secrets?

Jesus said:
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
and that which is born of the 
Spirit is spirit."
John 3:6
Did you know that your body is not the real you? The real you is the part of you that will live forever. We call it your spirit. Your body is something you live in while you're here on earth.

God is spirit too, and Jesus. Jesus was with God before He was born as a baby in the manger. Jesus' spirit came to earth into a body so He could walk and talk with the people here on earth and then die for our sins.

Before your spirit came into your body, God knew you and loved you. He decided He wanted you in His family a long, long time ago--before the earth was even made!

The way you get into God's family is not by being born in your body, like you did in your earthly family, but to be born-again in your spirit. This means that you ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Once you do that then your spirit will live forever with God in heaven!

While you are here on earth, God wants to talk to you. He has always talked to people and He had some people write down His words in a book. That book is called the Bible. You can read the Bible and listen to God talking to you from those words.

God will also talk to you from His Spirit to your spirit. This way it doesn't usually go through the ears of your body, but right to your spirit. It's very exciting to hear God speak to you!

Be careful though, because the devil can try and talk to you too. He will try and talk to your spirit just like God does. But the more you know God's voice the easier it will be to tell the difference between God and the devil. The more you read the Bible, the better you will know God's voice.

God has secrets He wants to tell you! He loves you very much and can't wait to tell you things. He wants you to talk to Him too. When we talk to God, that is what we call prayer.

When you get to know God, you will have more peace in your life than you've ever had before. The better you get to know Him, the more peace you will have.

If you have never asked Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, then all you have to do is ask Him now and He will come and you can start living as a child in God's great big, beautiful family!

Here are some Scriptures to look up and read in your Bible:

1 Thessalonians 5:23
John 4:24
John 1:14
John 3:16
Romans 8:29
John 15:26
John 16:13
John 10:4-5
Ephesians 1:9
John 14:27
Romans 10:13