Friday, August 29, 2014

Your Mind Border

And you will know the truth
and the truth will make you free
John 8:32

Do you know what a border is? A border is like a line that shows where one thing ends and something else begins. It's like a fence you put up around something. You might put a fence around a yard to keep your dog from running away and getting lost. You might put a fence around a garden to keep animals from going in and eating your food. After all your hard work, you don't want little critters stealing your food!

There are other kinds of borders too. There is a border that keeps your spirit from being invaded. Your spirit is the real you. In your spirit God has put all kinds of cool things. They are like treasures buried inside you. They are ideas and hopes and dreams and gifts and all kinds of things like that. But there is an enemy--the devil--that would try and steal these things from you. You can win against him because Jesus in you is greater than he is. The only way the devil can win against you is if he tricks you. One way he tries to trick people is by bringing thoughts and ideas to you that go against what God says. (Kind of like what he did to Adam and Eve). So what do you do to protect the border of your mind?

First of all, you need to know the borders that God set up. They are His truths. He wrote them down for you in the Bible. The more you read the Bible, the stronger the border of your mind will be. Then, when the enemy brings tricky thoughts to your mind to try and trick you, or deceive you, you will know it's him because you will know that thought is not the truth. Be sure to read the Bible a lot so you will know the truth. When you know the truth, the devil won't be able to trick you. Reading your Bible makes the border of your mind strong!

With your mind-border strong so the devil can't invade it and trick you, then you can discover all the awesome things God has put within your spirit. You can spend your time on these things, so that your life becomes an adventure with God like it is supposed to be!

John 8:32; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Proverbs 25:28; Proverbs 22:28